Thursday, May 10, 2012

Capturing His Affections Toward You

Being good enough. This was the answer God gave me when I asked Him the direction for this month’s article. His heart for us is that we would discover through Him our identity, which must be based on the foundation that we are loved and accepted as we are.
The belief that we are not good enough, whether conscious or not, is not a new lie that women tend to believe. Our sister Eve fell for it from the beginning when our enemy tempted her into believing she had lack in her life. Instead of being content in her trust with Her Lord, she gave in to the idea that she needed more.
Here is what I know. God is in the business of burning away the lies of our enemy. He is in the business of breaking off chains. He is in the healing business, both physical and emotional. He is in the business of restoring our soul. He is in the business of grace and mercy. He is in the business of Truth and justice. God is in the business of releasing us from our debts. He is the business of forgiving. He is in the business of putting us back together, not how we were, but how He sees us. He is in the business of reconciliation. He is in the business of creating in us dreams and destiny. He is in the business of cleansing and wholeness. God is in the business of love. Thankfully He doesn't run His business like the world. He gives it freely. The choice is ours, do we accept and receive it or will we continue to believe the lie?
It’s time we stop letting the lie hinder our walk. Its time we stop letting the lie steal our destiny. I can tell you how much God loves you, how He adores you, how you are His “treasured possession” (Dt. 7:6), but until you encounter His love for yourself you will not experience the fullness of this Truth.
God desires to fill you with purpose, love and truth. In your time with Him this month, ask Him to remove every hindrance to His love. Request a baptism of love and see if the rivers of Life do not flow through and cleanse every dry area in your heart. It is His good pleasure to lavish us in His love. Prepare to be forever changed.

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